Preferred Partners
We are proud of our pedigree, experience and knowledge.
For more information about our accreditation or our associates in the field of Jewellery Valuation please choose a link below.
What do I do next?
Whatever the purpose of your valuation, don’t delay.
Your insurance may be suspended until a full valuation is done, or Probate may be delayed.

Julian Cousins
Julian Cousins has worked in the jewellery and silver industry for over 30 years and is a third-generation jeweller. He has a degree in Fine Art and Antique Valuation from Southampton Solent University, has completed the National Association of Goldsmiths’ Gemmological Diploma, their Certificate of Appraisal Theory and the Gemmological Association of Great Britain’s Gemmology and Diamond Diplomas.
He is former Vice Chair of the National Association of Jewellers’ Professional & Technical Standards and Institute of Registered Valuers Steering Group and a founder member and Treasurer of the Academy of Valuers. He is also past Chairman of the Jewellery Valuers Association, the only independent governing body in the UK exclusively for jewellery valuers.

Our Accreditation
The Gemmological Association of Great Britain
The Gemmological Association of Great Britain, or Gem-A, is the world’s longest established provider of gem and jewellery education.They serve the interests of the gem and jewellery industries through the high standards of education on their courses and their support for global gemmological research.
The Institute of Registered Valuers
Jewellery Valuations with standards.
The Institute of Registered Valuers (IRV) is the UK’s leading authority of jewellery, watch and silverware appraisers who maintain exacting standards for the longest serving and most recognised valuation trade body, regulated by the National Association of Jewellers.

How long does it take?
Most appraisals, including cleaning, gem testing and photography of under 10 items can be completed in 2-3 working days, although it may be as long as a week or even 2 to schedule-in a mutually convenient time. Sometimes additional research may be required, extending this timescale.

What do I need to supply?
As well the items to be be valued, for Insurance valuations, please supply the most recent copy of your Insurance policy and policy schedule. For all valuations, please supply all existing paperwork relating to the items to be valued: original purchase receipts, previous valuations, receipts for past repairs and any diamond, or coloured gemstone grading reports. Failure to provide all relevant paperwork may result in a second, chargeable consultation.

How much does it cost?
If you would like us to provide a valuation of your jewellery, you will be asked to sign our Privacy Statement and agree to our take-in explanatory notes and limiting conditions
Preferred Partners
T.&B. Cousins & Sons Ltd.
8, 9 & 9A Sun street,
Canterbury, Kent CT1 2HX
01227 765882
Kilburn Jewellers
29-30 Royal Star Arcade,
High St, Maidstone, ME14 1JL
01622 677841
Wakefields Jewellers
11 West Street,
Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1PF
01403 264001
Paul James Jewellers
16 Station Road East,
Oxted, Surrey RH8 0PG
01883 714837
Preferred Partners
T. & B. Cousins & Sons Ltd.
8, 9 & 9A Sun street
Canterbury, Kent CT1 2HX
01227 765882
Kilburn Jewellers
29-30 Royal Star Arcade,
High St, Maidstone, ME14 1JL
01622 677841
Wakefields Jewellers
11 West Street,
Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1PF
01403 264001
F. Chambers Jewellers
51 Robertson Street,
Hastings, TN34 1HL
01424 441864
Peter Trevor Fine Jewellers
57 Church St.
Seaford, BN25 1LD
01323 894212
G. Collins & Sons Ltd.
76/78 High St.
Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1YB
01892 534018
Paul James Jewellers
16 Station Road East,
Oxted, Surrey RH8 0PG
01883 714837
W.E. Clark & Son
224 High St, Lewes,
East Sussex, BN7 2AF
01273 487816